Aligner therapy at Fair Doctors

The aligner for straight teeth Modern orthodontics has come a long way.
One example of innovation in this field is the transparent and stable aligner, a type of dental splint that has gained popularity in recent years.
Our aligners are custom-made, transparent dental splints made of medical plastic that are placed over the teeth and help to gradually move them into the desired position.
Unlike conventional braces, aligners are almost invisible and can be removed for eating and brushing.


Aligner therapy at Fair Doctors

The aligner for straight teeth Modern orthodontics has come a long way.
One example of innovation in this field is the transparent and stable aligner, a type of dental splint that has gained popularity in recent years.
Our aligners are custom-made, transparent dental splints made of medical plastic that are placed over the teeth and help to gradually move them into the desired position.
Unlike conventional braces, aligners are almost invisible and can be removed for eating and brushing.

Lasting results – retention devices for a long-lasting, beautiful smile

To ensure that your results are permanent, we offer you retention devices that are specially adapted to your individual needs.
Rely on our many years of expertise and find out how our individual aftercare treatments can preserve your results in the long term

What are aligners?

Aligner technology is based on transparent, dimensionally stable plastic aligners that are specially adapted to the position of the patient’s teeth.
Each aligner is made individually and is designed to gradually move the teeth into the desired position.
During the treatment period, the patient changes to a new set of aligners at regular intervals, thus continuously correcting the teeth.

Who is aligner therapy suitable for?

Aligner therapy at Fair Doctors Orthodontics offers a flexible and efficient method of teeth straightening for a wide range of patients.
Aligner therapy is ideal for anyone who values discretion.
Unlike traditional braces, aligners are virtually invisible, which is particularly appealing to those who are busy professionals or socially active and prefer a less conspicuous form of treatment.

orthodontics-adult, aligner therapy
orthodontics-adult, aligner therapy

Who is aligner therapy suitable for?

Aligner therapy at Fair Doctors Orthodontics offers a flexible and efficient method of teeth straightening for a wide range of patients.
Aligner therapy is ideal for anyone who values discretion.
Unlike traditional braces, aligners are virtually invisible, which is particularly appealing to those who are busy professionals or socially active and prefer a less conspicuous form of treatment.

orthodontics-adult-aligner, Aligner-Therapy

Aligner therapy procedure

The process of aligner therapy at Fair Doctors Orthodontics always begins with a comprehensive initial consultation, during which individual needs and suitability for treatment are clarified.
A precise 3D scan of the dentition forms the basis for the creation of a customized treatment plan.
Based on this plan, the transparent and stable aligners are custom-made.
During treatment, the patient wears a series of aligners, each of which is worn for two to three weeks to gradually move the teeth into the desired position.
Regular check-ups ensure that progress is monitored and any adjustments can be made.
Once the active phase is complete, patients are often given a retention aligner to maintain the radiant result in the long term.

Treatment options with aligners in our orthodontics department

At Fair Doctors Orthodontics, we offer a variety of treatment options with aligners to effectively correct a range of misaligned teeth.
We use these modern, transparent and stable plastic aligners to treat overbite, underbite, crossbite and to correct malocclusions such as gaps and crowded teeth.
Even minor irregularities and slight tooth misalignments can be optimally resolved with the help of aligners.
At Fair Doctors Orthodontics, we offer customized solutions tailored to the specific needs and goals of each patient to give you a bright smile or perfect teeth.

orthodontics-adult-aligner-treatment with aligners
orthodontics-adult-aligner-treatment with aligners

Treatment options with aligners in our orthodontics department

At Fair Doctors Orthodontics, we offer a variety of treatment options with aligners to effectively correct a range of misaligned teeth.
We use these modern, transparent and stable plastic aligners to treat overbite, underbite, crossbite and to correct malocclusions such as gaps and crowded teeth.
Even minor irregularities and slight tooth misalignments can be optimally resolved with the help of aligners.
At Fair Doctors Orthodontics, we offer customized solutions tailored to the specific needs and goals of each patient to give you a bright smile or perfect teeth.

Aligner prices at Fair Doctors


from33 €monthly
Partial payment ***or € 1,299 one-off payment
  • Case planning
  • 6 aligner sets
  • No revision
  • 1 retainer set

Express +

from49 €monthly
Partial payment ***or € 1,999 one-off payment
  • Case planning
  • 12 aligner sets
  • 1 revision up to 12 steps
  • 1 retainer set


from66 €monthly
Part payment ***or € 2,599 one-off payment
  • Case planning
  • 24 Aligner sets
  • 1 revision up to 24 steps
  • 1 retainer set

Standard +

from77 €monthly
Part payment ***or € 3,699 one-off payment
  • Case planning
  • 48 Aligner sets
  • 2 revisions up to 48 steps
  • 1 retainer set


from89 €monthly
Part payment ***or € 4,399 one-off payment
  • Case planning
  • Unlimited aligner sets
  • Unlimited revisions
  • 1 retainer set

*** The eff.
annual interest rate is from 5.9% p.a. and depends on the individual term, amount and creditworthiness.
The interest rate according to the written offer at the time of conclusion is decisive.
Only a processing fee of 1% (min. 10€) will be charged.

Results of various aligner therapies

Frequently asked questions and answers

Here you will find answers to the questions we receive most frequently:

Aligners are transparent plastic splints that are used to correct mild to moderate malocclusions and misalignments.
They are a popular alternative to traditional braces as they are more aesthetically pleasing and more comfortable.

Aligner therapy is suitable for various patient groups.

  • Teenagers: Aligners may be appropriate for older teens who have their permanent teeth to correct misaligned teeth.
  • Adults: Aligners are also a popular option for adults who are looking for a discreet and eye-catching way to correct misaligned teeth.
  • Slight to moderately irregular misaligned teeth: Aligners are most effective in correcting mild to moderate misaligned teeth such as slight overbites, underbites, crowding or gaps.
  • People with cosmetic concerns: For people who feel uncomfortable because of their misaligned or misaligned teeth, aligners can be a suitable solution to boost their self-confidence.

It is important to note that not everyone is suitable for aligners.
For complex misaligned teeth or jaw anomalies, fixed braces or other treatments may be more suitable.
Our orthodontists/dentists can carry out a full assessment and recommend the best treatment option for each case.

Generally speaking, a lot helps a lot.
The wearing time of the aligners varies according to the individual treatment plan, but should be at least between 18 and 22 hours per day to achieve the best results.
Adhering to the prescribed wearing time is crucial to achieve the planned tooth shifts and ensure that the treatment is successful.

How often you need to change your aligners depends on your individual malocclusion and the aligner system you have chosen.
In most cases, you will change your aligners approximately every two to three weeks as you move on to the next treatment tray.
So that we can check the progress of your treatment, we recommend that you attend regular check-ups at our practice.
This way, we can tell you exactly when it is time to change the splint.
This will ensure that your treatment is progressing optimally and that the desired result is achieved.

As a rule, the entire treatment lasts between 9 and 15 months.
However, the exact duration of treatment depends on your specific case and the initial situation of your misaligned teeth, which is why our consultation is tailored to your needs.

In most cases, wearing aligners does not cause any pain.
However, it is normal to feel a slight pressure sensation during the first few days of treatment or after inserting a new aligner.
However, this shows that the aligners are working effectively and exerting gentle pressure on your teeth to move them into the desired position.
The feeling of pressure usually disappears by itself after a short time.

You can drink mineral water without any problems while wearing the transparent aligners.
However, you should avoid drinks with sugar or acids.
If you enjoy milk, fruit juices or a glass of red wine, for example, we recommend that you remove the aligners beforehand and only put them back in after brushing your teeth.
We also ask you not to wear the aligners while eating, as the pressure caused by chewing and the temperature of hot food can damage the material and food residue can get stuck under the aligner.

To prevent discoloration of your splint, we recommend good and thorough care.
You can find more details and tips in our care instructions.
In addition, you should refrain from eating staining foods such as coffee, black tea and red wine while wearing your splint.
Nicotine can also cause discoloration.

The costs of aligner treatment are individual and can vary from patient to patient.
They depend on various factors, such as the aligner system used, the severity of the malocclusion, the duration of treatment and the specific requirements of each case.
We are happy to offer you a personal consultation and provide you with a customized cost estimate tailored to your specific situation in advance of treatment.
This way, you can be informed about the costs and make your decision on a sound basis.

Although treatment with aligners is a modern and effective method of correcting misaligned teeth, the costs are not covered by statutory or private health insurance.
However, certain private supplementary insurance policies or specific tariffs may provide partial reimbursement for aligner treatments.
We recommend that you ask your health insurance company or private health insurance provider for details of the cost coverage.
In this way, you can obtain information on whether and to what extent the costs incurred for aligner treatment will be covered.

Our care recommendation for your aligners

Aligners at Fair Doctors are very popular as an alternative to conventional braces, as they are more aesthetically pleasing and more comfortable.
They are also easier to clean than fixed braces.
By following our care recommendations, you can not only improve the durability of your aligners, but also ensure that they remain hygienic and visually appealing while you use them.

  • Adhering to the prescribed wearing time is crucial to achieve the planned tooth movements and ensure that the treatment is successful.
  • Your aligner should always be kept clean and dry in the box provided when you are not wearing it.
    The box protects the aligners from dirt, damage and loss.
  • Keep your aligners in a safe place where they cannot be accidentally damaged or thrown away.
  • Always ensure that you thoroughly clean your hands before inserting or removing your aligners
  • When removing your aligners, avoid bending or twisting them, and you should also avoid using sharp objects so as not to damage the material.
  • Observe the correct sequence of treatment steps to always use the right aligner
  • Take a close look at your aligners before inserting them to avoid mixing up the upper and lower aligners.
    Our useful expert tip: The upper aligners have larger teeth in the middle of the arch than in the lower jaw.
  • Rinse your aligners with clear water before inserting them to remove any residue and make insertion easier.
  • Rinse your aligners regularly with cold or lukewarm water to remove food residue and bacteria.
  • Avoid hot water, as the heat can deform your aligner.
    The same applies when drinking hot drinks.
  • Use a soft toothbrush and some toothpaste to gently clean them.
    Avoid abrasive toothpastes (with abrasive particles for whitening effect) as they could damage the surface of the aligners.
    Alternatively, you can use unscented soap or dishwashing liquid.
  • Avoid using mouth rinses and cleaning tablets for dentures, as the ingredients can attack the material of your aligners.
  • It is advisable to use a special cleaning solution for braces and aligners about once a week or as required.
    We will be happy to recommend a suitable product for cleaning your aligners.
  • Remove your aligners before eating or drinking (except when drinking normal temperature water)
  • Clean your teeth thoroughly after every meal and before inserting the aligners.
    Use a soft toothbrush and toothpaste to remove plaque and food debris.
  • If you do not have a toothbrush available at the moment, for example at the office, you can rinse your mouth thoroughly and clean the aligners under running water.
    As soon as you are back at home, you should clean them again with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Use an antibacterial mouth rinse to reduce bacteria and care for the gums.
    Look for a mouth rinse without alcohol to avoid irritation of the gums.
  • Use dental floss or interdental brushes regularly to clean the spaces between your teeth and remove plaque.
  • Even with all precautionary measures, occasionally a splint may be damaged or lost.
    If this happens, please contact us at the practice as soon as possible.
    Our experts will review your situation and determine whether a replacement is required or whether you can proceed directly to the next stage of treatment.
  • If there is a delay in an appointment (e.g. due to vacation or business trips), please continue to wear the splint from the previous treatment step to avoid repositioning your teeth.
    As soon as you have made another appointment, we will check the progress and guide you to the next step of your treatment.

Simply arrange your next appointment online or by phone

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